The Digitone II Cheat Sheet

The Cheat Sheet for Digitone II has arrived! An enormous amount of information in a compact printable design, including all key shortcuts and super useful tips & tricks.

On the front and the first part of the back, you will find the most important shortcuts neatly segmented to make it easy to find what you need. Additionally, on the back, you will find LFO speed calculation help, filter frequency estimates, a Tone machine B-operator level graph, and a list of neat tips and tricks. Last, but not least, there's a little segment reserved for the legend with some of the terms and abbreviations used in the cheat sheet.

This product contains two versions of the DTII cheat sheet. One is better suited for on screen (i version) and the other is nice to print to paper (p version). On the sheets you will find the following:

- All key shortcuts
- Tips & Tricks
- Useful way of calculating LFO speeds
- Filter frequency table
- Tone machine B-operator mod level graph
- and more

Graphic and layout design by

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