Mastering Digitakt
I am learning SO much about the Digitakt, and so much more about how to think about making music on it. Thanks Dave, with your enthusiasm, boundless energy and musical knowledge, for getting me through the blank terror of my first few days with the Digitakt. Struggled with the Elektron workflow at first but now am absolutely in love - it makes so much more sense once you get used to it.
— Martin Haswell
It was very helpful to have functions shown and explained. This course saved many hours of YT watching, manual reading and frustration. So everyone valuing his/her time will find this a good investment. Also it motivated me to make more music and enjoy the process. Thank you and best wishes David!
— Sven K.
Grâce aux leçons de Dave Mech, Digitone et Digitakt n'ont plus de secrets pour moi ! Très bien expliqué... C'est le meilleur dans sa catégorie !
Merci Dave !
Thanks to the lessons of Dave Mech, Digitone and Digitakt have no more secrets for me! Very well explained... It's the best in its class! Thanks Dave!
— Clément Nguyen
Brilliant material to learn about the machines as well as programming and creating electronic music in general. Dave is a fantastic teacher, artist and generally a very cool person. Can recommend those for everyone interested in advancing their music making skills.
Thanks a lot Dave!
— Christof Schulz
I've only done course 1 so far, and I've done it twice. I learned SO MUCH! I really liked the pacing of the course, there was no wasted time at all. I did find myself having to replay just about everything, but this is because there's so much information. I recommend this to anyone who is looking to up their Digitakt acumen!
— Tim Hanson
“The courses were expertly done. Dave Mech, probably the nicest guy on the scene, has a natural comfort in front of the camera that helps demonstrate the various concepts and functionality of music and the machine. I delved immediately into the courses and worked alongside him while he stepped through various considerations for programming. I found that watching the course a couple of times prior to me digging into the machine was highly beneficial. At first I tried to slowly step through each lesson trying to recreate the track he was making. However, by doing this you miss the idea of the training (IMO). So, what I did was force myself to work at his pace and ignore exact settings. The reason being that one should understand the functions and basic principals. When I finished both courses listening, I was able to reflect on these high level items and put the ideas onto my own tracks. The manuals for Elektron devices are very good but they lack in explanation (example some conditional triggs / LFO settings). Also, the biggest appeal for me was to start building enough variations with a basic template for a live performance without the hassel of utilizing a pattern based approached to arrangement. There is quite a bit one can do with a 4 bar pattern. Taking the course has greatly improved my skills and my general philosophy of making music. I have been writing and DJing for almost 30 years. I also came from an Elektron background with the Octotrack MK1. Haven taken the course has allowed me to become more jelled with the Elektron way of doing things and now various concepts are coming into place. I cant recommend these courses enough.
If you own the machine, no matter your skill level you will learn something new and practical.”
— Gian-Piero Furfaro
I had both the Digitakt and Digitone for a couple of years... able to do quite a bit, but still not progressing much after a certain point. I've watched lots of Youtube videos and follow the Elektronauts forum, but I thought that I'd pay for one of Dave Mech's courses and see how it goes. It took a few days and then I purchased two more courses, once I realized that I probably needed these courses as much as I needed the Elektron manual itself.
The courses are broken down into short segments that are easy to follow and also easy to go back and watch later for reference. I honestly can't recommend them enough if you're serious about learning how to create better music with your Digitakt or Digitone.
— Steven Kendrick
“Best courses for the digi series of Elektron boxes! Have brought me from a novice in the Elektron workflow to performing live with confidence using just my Elektron devices. Highly recommended!”
— Sean Raya
“Really enjoying DT 1 @ 2 and at last I’ve found something that both keeps me focussed on developing a workflow and also provides me with enough confidence to experiment.“
— Steve Hogg
“These Digitakt courses are so easy to go through and also fun with new songs from scratch in each course !
I really learned a lot of useful parameter combinations and can get the most out of the Digitakt.
A point of attention is that sometimes the instructor is going to fast with the combinations cq. explanation and also the turn over from chapter to chapter could be improved in the near future.“
— John Comer
“Dave has created a Superb set of courses for the Digitakt, loads of content and very well laid out information with plenty of easy to follow High quality Videos. I have just finished Digitakt part 1 and am anxious to start part 2. Would highly recommend Dave's courses if you seriously want to dig into what the Digitakt can do and has to offer.”
— Julian Greenwood
“There are a lot of Elektron tutorials and videos out there. Some free on YouTube and some paid like from MacProVideo. I watched a lot of them. But somehow it always felt like video manual or tailored to a specific issue. None of them are on how to make the most out of it for a real music performance. I know your videos since a few years and I was always impressed with the stuff you do with just one Elektron box. Such as the laundry samples. I stared with the first chapters from the DT1 and I am very pleased. It feels like a hands-on school class. Especially with the printout notes. It is the first time that I “study” while watching the video and turning knobs and not just watch and forget. Well done Dave looking forward the other courses.”
— Daniel Wurzer
“Very comprehensive and insightful course about the mystery tricks that lay beneath the complex interface of Digitakt.”
— Luis Aly
“The courses are excellent, well done. More would be good :) Some different styles of techno maybe.
Planning to buy a Syntakt next. If you make some for that I expect I will buy them.”
— Stephen Daniel
“Amazing content, extremely in depth, that you cannot get anywhere else.
Sometimes though, it's so in-depth that I can't tell what you are trying to achieve. Maybe you are experimenting and showing us how you go about experimenting, but because we are learning, it helps to know what you are not happy with and trying to improve, and sometimes I get a bit lost.”
— David Aubespin
“Very well organised and in clear well put together sections.It would be nice if possible to also have an element of email correspondence in the course as things crop up so you feel you could reach out - or even some meet ups with other students who have done the course as this would be an incentive to work harder and really dedicate to the course. I understand this might be difficult to do. It also would be good to have tasks to do so that you use the information that you are given to take it further - and be active and creative within the course. But I am also at the beginning so this might happen later! thanks a lot - it is very good value and I would recommend the course.”
— Iklooshar Malara
(There's now a Discord page where you can share your progress with me and and other students! Join up at https://discord.gg/FCFqfG9a -Dave
“Its a great course, very simple and didactic. The videos are with a lot of tips and very simple instructions to follow”
— Pablo Reyes
“They are great! I really like how they are organized and flow. I have learned so much in such a little time. I feel I am light years ahead of where I would be on my own. From understanding the sequencer to being comfortable with the Elektron workflow, these courses have been paramount in my recent success with my Elektron Devices”
— Sean Raya
“Se sont de bons cours clair et précis, facile à comprendre même quand on est pas bilingue.”
English translation:
“They are good clear and precise courses, easy to understand even when you are not bilingual.”
— Gwenole Camus
“Excellent, I really enjoyed the courses and found them to be helpful, thorough and easy to understand. Based on the Digitakt course, I’m already looking forward to a Syntakt course for techno!!”
— Will Dee
“The Digitakt course bundle is solid knowledge taught in an excellent way. Only the sequencing of third party hardware via MIDI and advanced sampling should be added to the bundle!”
— Andreas Jauss
“Really a damn good job Dave has done with the course. The course is very well structured and explained. Dave knows how to open up the many possibilities and tricks that the Digitakt offers in such a pleasant and easy way that you don't really notice how much you are learning because you are just having fun. Very rewarding.”
— Boris L.
“Great. Thorough and clear, very humble and precise, and encouraging. It's not just about the Digitakt, it's about how to approach making music in general and electronic in particular. Good stuff.”
— Andreas Roman
“After spending about a year with the digitakt, the manual, and a lot of videos, I felt pretty comfortable with it and wouldn´t call myself a beginner anymore. But I still felt that I didn´t get the best out of it, so I decided to buy the two courses. To be honest, I was a bit in doubt if it would be worth the money because I´ve probably seen EVERY Digitakt-related video on youtube already and didn´t believe that I´d learn anything new. But Dave´s course showed me that I was wrong! Trust me, this guy really knows his stuff, and the course is a very pleasant journey, full of interesting tips an tricks, even hoping for a part 3!”
— Maik Teuwsen
“The course is just great. I wish I had done it 6 months earlier - that would have saved a lot of time studying all on my own. There are also many details taht you explain in th eworkflow that are better than many of the online tutorials available. Great job.”
— Andreas Krake
“"I got Digitakt 3 years ago, and thought I knew it good, but wanted to go deeper, so I followed the part 2, advanced techniques. Dave's amazing tutorial helped me so much to learn many tricks and features I didn't know, or thought I wouldn't use. The very pedagogic way Dave teaches is great, and the way the course is organized is very logical, progressive, and fun to follow. The concept of going one pattern through the course is perfect to keep things logical. Using together different tips&tricks to build gradually a groovy pattern from scratch is the best way to learn, and understand what's going on. Exhaustive content, hidden tricks, priceless tips, wether you are beginner or advanced on Digitakt, you will learn and improve your skills”
— Jacques Leportier
“AMAZING. Very well done! Definitely what i was hoping to learn how to use my Digitakt, coming from an absolute beginner.”
— Jay Kay
“This is a great course for the Digitakt. The way you break down the workflow, and the order you introduce concepts is just right. Please do more!”
— Erik Braun
“I was extremely satisfied with the amount of information you provided in the course, I had just purchased the Digitakt and Digitone after some fears about the learning curve, but after I found your YouTube channel and your course, it was exactly what I was looking for, especially working to produce techno, I feel more confident now, great job, hopefully you will make a Digitone tutorial.”
— George Rivera
“Great courses by Dave and great for a beginner as me. i bought the part 1 en part 2 and the way dave explains the digitakt is very pleasant, and at a speed that is good to follow, I am curious about the next parts. Dave is always open for questions and that is nice.”
— Jur Da Vibe